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Molecular Biology
Alkaline Lysis Plasmid Maxi-Prep (Download)
AAV Preparation (Download)
BES Transfection (neurons) (Download)
Calcium Phophate Transfection (HEK293T) (Download)
DNA Purification Buffers
Genotyping PCR (Download 1, 2)
Gibson Assembly
HEK Cell Binding Assay (Download)
Live surface labeling of Neurons (Download)
Neuron Culture Immunocytochemistry (Download)
Purification of High-Fidelity Proof Reading Polymerase (Download)
TAQ Purification (Download)
6x DNA Loading Dye (Download)
Qiagen Buffer recipes (Download)
Neuron Culture Protocols
Neuron Media (Download)
Isolation Protocol (Download)
ACSF Recipe (Download)
Cesium Methanesulfonate Internal (Download)
Non-Oxygenated HEPES ACSF (Download)
Potassium Gluconate Internal (Download)
Sucrose Cutting Solution (Download)
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